想感受一下万圣节的气氛? hg6668皇冠登录县会保护你的. 的re are plenty of festivities and frights to go around, b但除了年度 10月的事件 以及市中心的活动, there are other more unearthly sites and phenomena to dig up for the thrill-seeking types. And if that’s not your thing, then we don’t recommend checking out—or in—to these sites.



After the first Catholic settlers found their way to the hg6668皇冠登录 area, a Catholic cemetery was established near the intersection of County Road 553 and Pioneer Road in west hg6668皇冠登录. 墓地里的墓碑可以追溯到19世纪50年代中期, and because of its status as a “free burial ground”, it was the chosen burial site for numerous young women who had died in childbirth, as well as many children younger than four years old, 《皇冠苹果版app下载》上的一篇文章称.

墓地, 然而, 只持续到世纪之交, when the headstones and some of the bodies were moved to the Holy Cross Catholic Cemeteries on Wright Street. 并不是所有的尸体都被找到了, 然而, and those that remain have been the cause of some commotion, 包括偶尔的喊叫和抽泣, 据住在附近的人说.

墓地 is little more than a sign and a path in the woods now since most of the tombstones were removed in the early 1900s, 虽然还有一个小十字架, marking the burial site of a farmer who owned land nearby.




具有里程碑意义的酒店 is one of the most distinguished hotels in downtown hg6668皇冠登录, 以其宏伟的外观和豪华的装饰而闻名. 以前叫Northland Inn, the hotel was once a popular social hub following its debut in January of 1930. 除了优雅的魅力,还有 苏必利尔湖 地标大厦被宣布闹鬼.

丁香屋在六楼. A room that sends guests into a cold sweat, rather than a peaceful rest. 的 story goes that one day the Lilac Lady’s lover set sail on the shores of 苏必利尔湖, 再也不见了. After he was declared disappeared, the Lilac Lady hung herself in her own desolate despair.

It’s been said that the Lilac Lady still lingers in the room, waiting for her sailor sweetheart to return from sea. Hotel employees have heard an abundance of accounts and sightings from guests, 总机接线员也一样. She is said to be flaunting a floral gown while still harboring a heavy heart.


single swing and bench with a shadowed figure standing


Though hauntings have never been officially reported at the site of Old Town Negaunee, 在现代西部的大片土地上 Negaunee has a storied history, with the skeletal remains of the bustling mining town to boot.

With massive mining operations taking place in “Old Town” from the mid-1800s until the early 1900s, the very ground that the town was built on began to crumble. 矿井已开始塌陷, eating up sheds and outlying buildings before it was ultimately decided that Negaunee — built quite literally on the iron ore beneath the feet of its residents — would have to relocate. Homes were either demolished or transported by semi to the north and east end of town, 到了20世纪50年代末, 旧城已荡然无存.

但古城最棒的地方是? Besides a few fenced-off caving grounds from the iron mines that formerly dotted the area, 它完全对公众开放. 街道, sidewalks and even stairwells leading to nonexistent homes and neighborhoods lay barren and overgrown with moss and brush. Mountain bike and hiking trails course through the former community, taking visitors on a moving tour of what was once the most vibrant mining town in the Central Upper Peninsula.


摩根海茨疗养院, County Road 492, hg6668皇冠登录

One of the more unknown haunts in hg6668皇冠登录 County, the site of the former 摩根海茨疗养院 on County Road 492 has lost a bit of its allure since the demolition of the main building in the early 2000s. 然而, 一种令人不寒而栗的感觉仍然存在, and those who live in the remaining buildings (such as the nurse’s quarters, which has since been turned into a residential home) are sure of the presence of some of the hospital’s former patients.

Opened in 1911, the sanatorium served as the only tuberculosis center in the region. It was shut down in the middle of the century for lacking much of the medical technology and facilities that had become a standard for the time.

的 only specific story to have come of the old sanatorium is that of a malpractice case — in which a surgical tube was accidentally left in a patient, who subsequently died days later — the property has an undeniable eeriness, and countless property owners and renters in the vicinity have reported ghostly happenings, including the presence of a man in a flannel shirt hanging around in the basement of one of the homes.



No list of the county's haunted places is complete with a mention of the former Holy Cross Orphanage. 虽然, the six-story structure that looms over Fischer Street has since been converted into an affordable living complex for residents. 自20世纪60年代关闭以来. 1915), anecdotal claims of abuse and neglect in the Holy Cross Orphanage have lived on, despite being relentlessly refuted by those who lived and worked there. 然而, that doesn't change the notion that the sobs of children have been noted by residents of neighboring homes, as well as previous visitors of the infamous orphanage.  


*的 stories featured in this blog are not our own, nor are they proven to be accurate. We do not condone trespassing - please explore responsibly*


Turn your normal visit into a paranormal adventure. 计划在密歇根州的hg6668皇冠登录县停留.